Glitter visits Amnegården Summer 2016
In July 2016, our representative Morgan Young visited Amnegården in Gullspång, Sweden with Sophie Lööf’s dog Glitter. Amnegården is a facility that provides special accommodation for the elderly who can no longer live on their own in their home and require short-term care or continued care. Amnegården has a total of 24 apartments and one wing that provides 10 short-term accommodations. As well, sheltered housing with 30 apartments. We wanted to spread joy, love and a sense of companionship to the residents of Amnegården by bringing our furry friend Glitter.
When Morgan arrived at Amnegården with Glitter, many faces lit up as soon as they saw Glitter in the hallway. They stopped a couple times for the residents to pet Glitter. They finally arrived at a room where seven residents were patiently waiting to see Glitter. They commented on how sweet and cute he was and that they especially loved his collar. Glitter walked around the room visiting each person. Everyone wanted to pet him and Glitter even did a few tricks. Morgan helped the residents to get Glitter to sit, lay and roll for small biscuits.
While Glitter circulated around the room Morgan sat and drank coffee with the residents. Some of the residents shared old stories with her about their own dogs. Many of the residents gave positive feedback to Morgan and thanked her for bringing Glitter to visit!