The building construction continued on today with the workers finishing up small parts on the walls, putting the glass into the window frames and also the start on the ceiling throughout the building. They start with wooden frames, and then will secure the ceiling after that. It’s a satisfying feeling to be back on the construction site, with the hustle and bustle of all the men working hard, just like our previous visit in September. To reward the workers for their continuous hard work on the construction, we will be providing them with a good lunch tomorrow, just like we previously did in September. I am really looking forward to paying back our gratitude to the workers by providing them with a hardy, good meal.

Niklas and I continued up to Kenswed Academy to film the school area. It was really great to meet with some of the students again! We got to see them take breakfast and then was invited on a tour by Matron Naomi of the Kenswed boarding dormitory for 52 girls, who attend school at Kenswed. They have been working to build a second story on the dormitory, and soon finished. In January they will add another 55-60 girls who will be able to live there. This dormitory that Naomi helps oversee has been a great place for these girls, as many girls are coming from very difficult backgrounds and homes. Now, by being able to live at this dormitory, these girls have the time and opportunity to education, they otherwise may not have had.

We then drove with Dedan to a very high Ngong hill, where we had a beautiful view on one side with Masaai land, and on the other side you could see Ngong, and very far in the distance Nairobi. We had many young Masaai children running up to us, interested and curious about us. Niklas thought that meeting the children and seeing the view was very breathtaking and didn’t have words to describe the feeling. During my visit in September, I was told the story of a boy who passed away from pneumonia while walking to the closest health clinic. Unfortunately, that boy did not make it and died along the way as it was too far. While we were standing on the hill, Dedan told us that the boy who passed away came from the top of the hill we were on. This really sent shivers down my spine, standing on top of this hill, with very cold wind blowing. Dedan said that many children can get pneumonia easier on top of the surrounding hills as it is much colder there. It gives me hope that by building the Kenswed Maternity & Health Center together with the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation and Rejlers that we can prevent future deaths by having a health clinic closer to the surrounding community members.

The children that we met on top of the hill were so carefree, smiling, running and playing. When I looked down the hill, I could see two small boys carrying huge tree branches up this ginormous hill to bring fire wood home. Dedan and I met them half way and helped them carry it the rest of the way. Despite these children having to care and provide for their families at a young age, they still have the spirit of children, the essence of play. This was very humbling to see.

Morgan and Niklas










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