UN goal #3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

We are building the Kenswed Maternity & Health Center together with the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation and Rejlers. The center will have a maternity ward to provide prenatal (before birth) and antenatal (post-birth) care to women, as well as general health care to the public and sexual education to youth. The center will be completed during the middle of November this year, where we will hold the inauguration.

The goal for this center is to reduce the amount of maternal mortality and child mortality rates in Kenya. According to the social progress index for 2017, Kenya’s average maternal mortality rate is 509 deaths for every 100 000 live births, and their average child mortality rate is 49 deaths for every 1 000 live births. Compared to Sweden these numbers are too high when Sweden’s 2017 average maternal mortality rate is 4 deaths for every 100 000 live births, and their average child mortality rate is 3 for every 1 000 live births. We would love to see the gap in these figures decrease significantly, especially when the majority of these deaths are preventable with the right medical care, education and nutrition.

If you would like more information concerning social progress around the world please visit www.socialprogressindex.com or www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home.html to learn more about UN’s sustainable development goals.


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