It was such a pleasure to be able to help and contribute to filling an entire shipping container that is going to Kenya, full of material for the Kenswed Maternity & Health Center. We are building the center together with Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation and Rejlers. We collected six baby beds from the organization Human Bridge as well as many baby clothes donated to us. We also added many football items that will go to the Wayo Wayo Kibra Sports for Peace and Development Program in the Kibera slums. Thank you to Katarina Magnusson for contributing football items to us!

The container was filled to the top with medical items for the maternity ward, health care material, first aid supplies and hospital equipment for the health center. Filling this entire shipping container was only possible by all of the generous donations and teamwork of many organizations. It was ao great to come together and work alongside Monica Hellström again and her orgnization, Gnosjoglobal Association, Hospitals without Borders from Belgium and ZB Foundation. Thank you to Lisa Persson Baagøe for contributing with art material for the Kenswed Academy, and a big thank you to Kasper Skarrie and Mia Wilkne from the ZB Foundation for organizing the container and your hard work!

We cannot wait until the container gets to Kenya and we can unload all material and supplies that will make the Kenswed Maternity & Health Center functional and helpful to many Kenyan people! It makes us proud to know that this project, and all cooperation with us to create this center is following the third United Nations Foundation sustainable development goals which is “good health and well-being”. Anything is possible when we all work together, thank you to everyone for your cooperation in this project and helping us to contribute to the United Nations sustainable development goals!










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