Following an eventful Day 1, our team, along with nurse/midwife Alice, went to the local shopping mall and bought a lot of consumables that the hospital was in desperate need of. We filled five trolleys with materials like diapers, wipes, diaper creams, NAN formula, cleaning materials, and comforting treats like biscuits and juice that can be appreciated during long labor. We also bought some toys for our youngest patients. There was a lot to carry, and we filled a whole van with our purchases. Our hearts were overflowing with joy when we handed over the gifts to the hospital staff.

Upon our return to the hospital, we were promptly informed of a young woman named Regina from Maasai Land who had arrived in labor. Regina, nearing 5cm dilation, was swiftly taken to the Labor Ward where an examination revealed that she had undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a prevalent cultural practice in Maasai society marking a transition from childhood to womanhood.

Regina’s labor was complicated due to the effects of FGM. Sophie Lööf, a trained Doula, provided invaluable support, employing breathing techniques and calming methods throughout the challenging labor process. As labor progressed, medical staff intervened with suction assistance as the baby encountered difficulty navigating the birth canal. After an hour of dedicated efforts, baby Miles entered the world at 17:00, weighing 2.910 kg. However, Miles faced initial weakness and respiratory struggles owing to prolonged exposure in the birth canal.

The hospital staff worked tirelessly to stabilize Miles, utilizing the NeoPuff machine—a vital tool for providing assisted respiratory breaths to neonates and infants weighing up to 10 kg. Following stabilization, Miles was tenderly handed to his mother for bonding.

Witnessing the miraculous birth and the unwavering dedication of Kenswed Hospital staff underscored the critical importance of life-saving equipment like the NeoPuff machine. Without it, the outcome for baby Miles might have been uncertain.

We are pleased to report that both mother and baby are progressing well. After a three-day stay at Kenswed Hospital, they were discharged, benefiting from the hospital’s free-of-charge services and attentive care.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the remarkable staff of Kenswed Hospital whose tireless efforts are making a tangible difference in the community. They truly are heroes deserving of recognition and appreciation.

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