Upon our arrival at Kenswed, the clinic staff greeted us warmly. Our first encounter was with a mother in labor. Joy’s labor was both painful and prolonged. Despite interventions from the clinic staff to assist with dilation, Joy’s progress was slow. Eventually, it became necessary to transfer her via ambulance to a private hospital for an emergency cesarean section. Joy, aged 21, resides nearby and has been attending the antenatal clinic regularly. At 11:17 am, she was 4cm dilated. This was her first baby, and she was benefiting from the free maternity services provided by the clinic.

Routine checks conducted at the antenatal clinic:

  • Lab tests for hemoglobin levels
  • Blood group testing
  • Screening for sugar levels
  • Screening for transmitted diseases

Patients also receive supplements and are encouraged to come monthly until their ninth month of pregnancy. While there’s a nominal fee for lab tests, deliveries are served free of charge. Additionally, every Tuesday, a gynecologist is available for high-risk cases, and in emergencies, patients are referred to larger hospitals.

In the delivery room, the staff diligently monitors the mothers and their babies. During labor, patients are encouraged to walk, sit on a Pilates ball, with additional support such as back massages provided by Alice, the trained nurse, and midwife. Post-delivery, newborns receive NeoPuff breathing assistance if needed and injections of Vitamin K and antibiotic cream in the newborn eyes to prevent any eye infection. They are then transferred to the postnatal ward for further care.

Despite the commendable efforts of the clinic, there are challenges. The absence of a theater means that referrals to larger hospitals incur costs. Currently, due to a strike in public hospitals, many services are sought privately, adding financial strain. The cost for a private hospital is 50,000 Kenyan shillings, which Joy and her parents were unable to pay, so the Lööf Foundation stepped in and covered the cost. The cost of the government hospital is significantly cheaper, but they have been on strike for the past six weeks. The clinic’s lab, while equipped for basic tests, lacks resources for more advanced diagnostics like liver function tests.

Kenswed Hospital is helping lots of patients with conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Government recommendations for a blood bank pose logistical challenges, including the need for additional staff and 24-hour lab operations. Also, the need for a theater to be able to conduct a cesarean section is a big hope that we can contribute to in the future. Feeling very grateful for everything we have experienced, and the staff at Kenswed Hospital are doing such an incredible job!

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