In the surrounding area of Kenswed Hospital, the main form of transportation for the public is by motorbike taxis and approximately 70% of Kenswed Hospital patients visit our hospital using this form of transport. There are several collection spots for motorbike taxi drivers who pick up their passengers. It was recognized that there were no hand washing stations available at these collection points. A strong need was felt to give education to these riders about the corona virus to help them be able to protect themselves, but also their passengers.

Kenswed Hospital met with these riders and distributed reflectors as a form of advertising the hospital’s services. Along with bars of soap to promote hand washing, homemade facemasks as it is a requirement in Kenya to wear one when outside of your home and fliers with information about the virus, symptoms and preventative measures. At each collection spot around the area of the Kenswed Hospital, we were happy to provide them with a container, a tap, soap and water to provide them with a hand washing station.

In total it was a successful day of handing out 684 homemade face masks and 1200 bars of the soap. Hopefully these measures will help the surrounding public during this virus outbreak.


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