At Kenswed Hospital our staff continues to take the necessary measures needed to reduce the spreading of the COVID-19 and ensure the safety of everyone who enters the doors to the Kenswed hospital. They have put up posters throughout the hospital in different areas for the patients to read and educate themselves about the virus. It has been great that a few former Kenswed Academy students have made handmade reusable masks for the public that are distributed at the hospital. As well, all patients receive a bar of soap to promote continuous hand washing at home.

During March, we had a beautiful baby girl born. As well, we have had over 1 240 patients since opening who have sought medical attention from our staff. The majority of patients during March were treated for upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections and allergies. It feels really great to see more and more people coming to our hospital for accessible and wonderful care.


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