Kinga and I, Agnieszka are Partex employees in Poland. I have worked at Partex since 2007 in the marketing department while Kinga has worked at Partex for six years in the telemarketing department and supported the sales branch. We have helped support Young Forest through Partex previously with a new kitchen and also visited together with Sophie Lööf before. We went together with some special guest, Sophie Lööf and her daughter Stella to another home that is part of the Young Forest, where young mothers live with their children. We got to know three young girls with their cute babies. It was very touching to hear each girls story.

We first met Milena who is 17 years old. She is very friendly and cheerful. She only has a father and grandmothers as her mother died in a car accident when Milena was just 2 years old. Her grandmother tried to care for her but did not get along well with her son-in-law. Milena and her father love each other very much but unfortunately, they had an unhealthy relationship where they lied for one another to the social worker. Her father would cover for her about smoking and skipping school, while Milena would cover for her father’s alcohol abuse. Milena and her father had to be separated. Today Milena has a charming son named Igor who is 8 months old who she takes very good care of. Milena unfortunately cannot raise him together with the father as he was a member of the Young Forest as well and has run away from the home. Milena hopes that he will return someday and have a happy ending for her and her son.

Next we met Dominika who is 18 years old and is mother to Adrian, a 4 month old boy. Dominika came from an unstable background as her mother had many children with multiple fathers, and none of the children live with her as they have been taken by social services. It’s hard for Dominika to trust others as she is scared that someone will take away her baby. Dominika is raising the baby on her own as the father is in prison but often writes letters to her and asks for photos of their son.

Lastly, we met Klaudia who is 18 years old. She comes from a difficult background involving alcohol and drug abuse in the home. She was removed from the environment and put into the Young Forest. She felt this was unfair and ran away with her boyfriend and her mother. They traveled around Poland for 2 years where her boyfriend traded drugs, disobeyed the law and were using drugs and alcohol. Klaudia became pregnant during this time and her mother unfortunately got sick. They left her at a hospital and ran away, where her mother died soon after. Klaudia continued to use drugs and alcohol throughout her pregnancy and gave birth at a hospital under false ID. Today she lives at the Young Forest with her 1.5-year-old son Fabian. She raises him on her own as the father is now in prison.

It seems that these girls have found a safe place at the Young Forest. They have stopped running away and their babies are now the most important thing for them now. There are other children living at this home as well who come from domestic violence, have been rejected or abandoned. Now they have a safe home here, where they are cared and loved for. It felt great to support these mothers with clothes and baby kits made by Ulla-Karin Johansson in Sweden. Thank you to Young Forest for allowing us to meet these strong and smart young women.

Agnieszka and Kinga
Partex Poland employees




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