Today I am joined with Solveig Sundberg, a 67 year old nurse from Sweden, as we depart to Kenya today! She had previously joined us on a trip to Nepal before! During this time we will revisit and check up on the Kenswed Hospital! We will also be holding a two day vaccination camp at the Kenswed Hospital where Solveig will help give the vaccinations!

We are looking forward to revisiting the Wayo Wayo Kibra Sports For Development and Peace! One special task we will do, is to distribute seeds that were donated to us from Seed Programs International and Wills & Trusts. We will give these seeds to the local people so they have new kinds of vegetables to nourish themselves with.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone again in Kenya and to show Solveig our wonderful project!!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative

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