On January 11, at 23:17, a healthy baby boy named Brave was born at Kenswed Hospital. The first ever baby born there! Today we had the great privilege of visiting Whitney the mother and the baby to meet them and talk about her experience.

Whitney said she found out about the Kenswed Hospital just by passing it one day when she was 7 months pregnant as she lives in the rural area. She had been on previous check ups during her pregnancy at other facilities but felt that our clinic was clean, welcoming and that our staff really took their time with her which made her feel seen and cared for.

During the day of her delivery, her water broke and labor pains had started, so she had a short walk to Kenswed Hospital to give birth. She said the staff was very attentive to her and her needs. When it came time to push, she pushed 5 times and the baby came out. She said she didn’t feel too much pain during the delivery because our staff were surrounding her with support.

Once baby Brave came out, he cried right away and they placed him on her stomach. They took Brave to clean and check up and he was healthy. Whitney had post partum hemorrhage which our staff was able to control. She slept over at the hospital and was discharged the next morning.

Whitney says giving birth at Kenswed Hospital was the best experience of her life. It was such an honor to meet her and baby Brave and we are thrilled that she had such a successful and happy birthing experience. We were happy to support her with some donated gifts that included clothes, socks, blanket, diapers, clothes and hand knitted sweater and hat. A big thank you to Ulla-Karin Johansson for the baby package and to Glädjespridaren in Mariestad for the donated clothes!

This is the reason behind the idea of the Kenswed Hospital, to give a safe place for mothers to give birth. As our Founder Sophie Lööf has always had a dream to build a maternity clinic after having an emergency C-section with her first daughter. Sophie feels “so proud and happy for both mother and baby and wishing baby Brave and his family all the best!”

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative





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