We have received 5 000 packages of different varieties of seeds to distribute to our different projects. A big THANK YOU to Wills & Trusts in United Kingdom for choosing our organization to support. Wills & Trusts held an event at their company where the staff packed 5 000 packages of seeds provided by Seeds Programs International. We have received seeds for radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, and leaf beets.

During our upcoming trip to Kenya next week we will distribute these seeds throughout the local area near the Kenswed Hospital. We are looking forward to spread knowledge and give people new types of vegetables to grow and nourish themselves with! We plan to also bring seeds with us during our next trip to Nepal and distribute to the local villagers!

Thank you to Rachel Phillips for nominating our foundation. To Wills & Trusts for choosing our organization to support and to Seeds Program International for supporting with the seeds and being engaged!

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