Please meet Mr. Jay Santos who is the Sales Assistant at Partex Middle East. He worked as a volunteer for Lööf Foundation when we visited an organization that helps support Filipino women in Dubai who have escaped abuse from their employers. Here are his thoughts from the day.

I was very excited when I heard that we would be participating in philanthropic work through the Lööf Foundation with Sophie Lööf. We would be going together to visit an organization that helps Filipino women who have been abused by their employer in some way, whether mentally, physically or sexually in Dubai. They are unfortunately stuck in Dubai through their employer and cannot leave. When we arrived at the women, I had a mixed feeling of sadness and happiness. Sadness because I was asking myself why in the world would someone ever abuse others and wondering how these women felt after having been abused. I felt happiness because I knew that once someone shows they care for them, that it would help them get back a good fighting spirit and most of all hope for a better future.

Sophie lead the way with our Partex Middle East team and were greeted with a warm welcome from the Philippine Consulate Embassy officials. They were very happy that Lööf Foundation chose this project to help support. We met with the women who had escaped, and it was great to hear Sophie give her speech. While I was standing at the back of the room, I looked at all of the women listening, and I could see joy behind the tears in their eyes.

For me, one of the best parts was when Sophie gave out flowers to each and every woman, and they really appreciated this. It was heartwarming to see the women feel like real human beings when Sophie looked them in the eye. Today has really inspired me to help more people who might be less fortunate. Thank you to Lööf Foundation and to Sophie Lööf for visiting and helping make them feel comfortable and giving them hope!

Jay Santos
Partex Middle East Sales Assistant



  • Cristina says:

    Thank you so much LOOf Foundation for the generosity love and care.
    We are forever grateful for the support, the precious time spent with us.The smile,the flower, the hug and the short talk with wisdom, it was priceless.You dont know how their moods lift up and once more rekindle their dreams and hope.
    We pray for your good health and continuous success and for the whole as well.

    • Morgan Young says:

      Thank you so much, it makes me very happy to know that it was so meaningful to you! You will and the women will forever be in our minds!

  • Alfredo Galler says:

    It was a meaningful experience of how kind hearted individual reached out our countrymen and extended their caring hands to them. It moved me so much seeing Sophie distributed flowers to the ladies at the center. I could felt her sincerest empathy thru her gestures.

    Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

    • Morgan Young says:

      It was so special to meet each and every woman. They all deserve the best in their lives going forward! Thank you for allowing us to meet them and welcoming us with open arms!

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