Tomorrow I head back to Sweden. I finalized the steps going forward to finish the greenhouse and said goodbye to all of the children yesterday. Saying goodbye has gotten better, they don’t get as upset before, which is nice. We hug a long time goodbye and say we see each other soon.

During the long drive back I had a lot of time to reflect back on my time at Home of Hope. When I look at the children, I see how big they have grown, how much they have learned and how they have developed their own personalities and selves. It’s hard not to think back on the first trip I made to Nepal, when I first met them. When I look at the four new children who have joined just 1.5 months ago, they remind me of our older children when they first arrived. Searching to find their place at Home of Hope and learning how it all works to live together.

I see where our children have come in just 3 short years at Home of Hope and I feel excitement for their futures. I have seen how positive the chicken house has been and I feel so happy that we are rebuilding the greenhouse which will benefit Home of Hope again soon!

The free women’s gynecology health camp that we provided has really shook me to my core. It was such a wonderful camp and such good care was provided by the doctors. But I realized after meeting woman after woman just how much pain they endure every single day. I think of the village women as silent sufferers. It’s too expensive for them to take transport to Kathmandu to even have a general health check up, so they suffer for years with health conditions that are too private to even share with a doctor. I realized how important it is to bring the health care to people, not have the people come to health care.

I leave this trip with a feeling of empowerment for the village women, for our Home of Hope girls to grow and develop into strong, independent women and a hope for our Home of Hope boys to grow into caring and respectful men towards the women in their lives.

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation Representative







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