Today was absolutely fantastic as we got to meet with Preeti Lama, Binita K.C. and Shree Krishna Thapa, who are all Home of Hope alumni. We met Preeti and Binita at the college they now attend in Kathmandu. Binita is studying Hotel Management in the hopes to become a chef one day, while Preeti just started studying Computer Science. They will write their first small exam next week. We met with the Vice President of the college to understand how the courses work and school year functions.

We went on a tour of the school and it looked like a great place to study with teachers who expressed their eagerness to care for the students success as much as possible. Later in the day we met with Shree Krishna Thapa who joined us all for dinner. He has just started studying his Bachelor in business management, which will take four years to complete. He is studying the Japanese language in the hopes to travel to Japan after his education and work there!

During dinner tonight, I couldn’t help but look around the table at these three bright, happy and kind young adults. Each of them working hard to educate themselves and pave a bright future for themselves. I felt nostalgic thinking back to when they first entered Home of Hopes doors 3.5 years ago and how it helped them to get to where they are today. They have all developed into responsible, hard working and beautiful human beings!

Tomorrow we will take the long journey to Home of Hope in Ratankot to see all of the children! I cannot wait to meet them all again!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative






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