We are celebrating National Dog Day today by sending all of our love to Sandy the pug who lives at Home of Hope. Our friend Rachel Phillips was kind enough to get Sandy for the Home of Hope children during her visit there in December 2018. Sandy has grown bigger, can bark loudly and follows Shyam and the children around Home of Hope all day long. He has been a great friend to the children and a comfort to them as he sleeps in their beds at night. The Home of Hope children have learned how to care for another animal by taking him on walks, feeding him and playing with him!

National Dog Day was originally founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert. They wanted to bring attention to animals and encourage pet adoption for many animals in need. They felt that all dogs, everywhere should be celebrated and appreciated on this day. We encourage all pet lovers who own a dog to do something nice for them today, whether that be taking them on an extra-long walk or feeding them something special they love! Let’s all give our furry pawed friends some extra love today!


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