Finally the day has arrived where we depart to Kenya to see with our own eyes our health and maternity clinic we built together with the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation and Rejlers. It is now up and running and I cannot wait to see it in real life. I have had a dream for about 18 years of contributing to saving lives especially when new lives are being born. This is now becoming true and it feels so so very special! Together with me on this journey I have amazing Lööf Foundation co-worker Mrs. Morgan Young who has been with us since the start-up of this project. Morgan has worked very hard to make this become a reality, so it feels very special to share this experience together! Also we have Lööf Foundation volunteer Mr. Patrik Gustafsson from Skövde, Sweden, Patrik please share a bit about you:
-I am 43 years old and I am working as an engineer in Töreboda. I have joined this special journey since I would like to learn more about the Lööf Foundation’s work and I would like to see it with my own eyes. I attended the charity concert in March in Mariestad where money was raised to be able to make this possible. It feels even more special to be a part of this. I look forward to see the clinic up and running and I hope I can contribute with knowledge and my time.

We will also re-visit and support the Wayo Wayo Kibra Sports of Development Project. Of course we will also go back to baby Patricia with her family and see how her development is progressing. We will also re-visit Marian’s (student of Kenswed Acadamy) mum and see how it is with her back-pain. Part from that we will of course try and help as many as possible that we meet on our journey in Kenya.

Morgan – pls share how you feel about this journey.
– I feel so excited and happy to return back to Kenya to see the building fully finished, meet all of the staff and be reunited with all of the many wonderful people in Kenya! I’m so happy that we get to see the health clinic operating and helping people! I have waited quite awhile to see it open and now the time has come!

Last but not least I would like to say thank you for supporting us, it is thanks to many of you that has made this possible. So many people has been supporting us in this cause, thank you to everyone of you!!

Sophie Lööf
Founder & Chairman Lööf Foundation

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