Today was a special day as we went shopping for food items for Agnus and a few baby items for Patricia such as diapers, cream and soap. This was the mother and baby we first met in September last year, who gave birth on the floor at home. We wanted to follow up and check how baby and mother were doing as well as distribute clothes we brought from Sweden!

It was so overwhelmingly wonderful to see how big and strong Patricia has grown up to be. She is now 11 months old, interactive and so big! Tomorrow we will bring them to the clinic to get a check up! At the clinic today we handed out all of the baby clothes we brought from Sweden, so they have for any babies who come and are in need or for any babies born at the clinic in the future!

We visited the Ngong slums where we met Mamma Marion again, a mother of 7 girls we also met in September. She had a ruined disc in her back, where she has been in much pain. It was great to hear that she has been partaking in physiotherapy which has relieved pain in her back which was supported by Lisa Rejler during her trip to Kenya last November.

We continued on to visit a pregnant mother we met in November, where she has now given birth and we met her 6-month old daughter. We were happy to support her baby with baby clothes and follow up with how the birth was and how both mom and baby are feeling. She has said she will visit the clinic now that we are open for check ups and vaccinations!

It’s been so great to meet up with so many friends here and now be able to invite them to the clinic for good health care! It’s been a joyous day with so many beautiful and healthy babies!!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation Representative













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