Today I had the great pleasure of meeting Ava, she is the psychologist who works at the Young Forest with different children and also in other Young Forest buildings. She took me to another home that has teenage mothers with their babies and other children living there.

I met a young sweet boy who was very proud to show me his clean room. I learned that he was here because his father beat him and as a result is in prison now for 3 years. His mother also beat his older sister who spent 6 months in jail. This little boy has anger and aggression problems which prevent him from attending public school and has to be home schooled.

At this home, seven workers rotate on schedule and it felt great to meet Danuta who was taking care of everyone today. She had so much energy and love oozing out of her for these young girls and children. I asked her how she has so much energy all the time and she said “I have energy or else I would sit down and cry.”

I could relate with Danuta very much. Especially after meeting a small baby who’s young mother has recently run away and left him behind. I met another young mother with a 2 week old boy. When she first came to the child center a year ago she was addicted to drugs and alcohol. She came from a background where her father is an alcoholic, her mother died when she was 2 years old and her boyfriend also lives in a child center, was addicted to drugs and not attending school.

Despite the hardships many of the young girls have faced in their lives so far, they spoke about having goals to finish school and study more while two others want to become chefs. Even though they have small babies to care for, they still attend school, have hopes and dreams and are working everyday to pursue them!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation Representative



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