Today I visited another home that is part of the Young Forest. In total there are 5 homes under the Young Forest, with approximately 14 children living in each house. The children that I met came from backgrounds of sexual abuse, violence in their home, parents with drug and alcohol addictions.

I held a self-esteem and self-love workshop with the children. I asked them to write 5 things they loved about themselves and then 5 things they love about their best friend. All of the children found it was easier to write about someone else. We spoke about having good self esteem and how much more energy you can have and love you would have to give.

It was so great when one little girl asked if she could read what she loved about herself to everyone. Once she finished, many of the other children wanted to share what they loved about themselves. It was great to see the children feel safe to open up and share their thoughts.

We spoke about bullies, feeling good on the inside, being proud of our differences and how everyone is unique. We finished up the workshop and the girls wanted to show me their rooms and the house they live in. They were very proud of their rooms and living space.

As I went to leave, I received many hugs from the kids! I hope these children will take something good away from our workshop today!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation Representative





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