Today Rachel, the puppy Sandy and I went shopping in Kathmandu for the last few items for Home of Hope. We bought winter jackets for the children, and medicine to refill the cabinet at Home of Hope. We also met with the dentist who will be coming to the village to conduct the dental camp.

We also met for dinner with Sophie and Shree Krishna Thapa. He is 17 years old and continuing his education in Kathmandu, studying computer science. It is a four year program and he is achieving B+ in school! Him and his sister Radhika Thapa are Home of Hope alumni. Shree told us how much Home of Hope helped him, and made his life better. He said he learned how to live and get along with other people. He wrote Sophie and I the sweetest letters, thanking us for his time in Home of Hope. It was especially heart warming to hear that during festival time, he stopped by Home of Hope, to visit and stay for a night.

The fact that one of our oldest children comes back to visit Home of Hope, their home, is the best feeling ever. Home of Hope is all of our children’s home for life, and the door is always open for them! I feel a sense of pride for Shree and his sister, that they are continuing on to have a good life after Home of Hope. This is all we could have ever asked for our Home of Hope children, to grow up being loved, feeling like they have a home, have good education, be healthy, and continue a good life after Home of Hope.

Tomorrow we will make the long journey to Ratankot, where we will see all of the Home of Hope children. I absolutely cannot wait to see them all again!! I’m also looking forward for them to meet their new puppy brother Sandy!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative

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