Now we are on route to Nepal for our 13th time to visit Home of Hope and check up on all of the children! During this trip we will buy a puppy in Kathmandu and bring for the Home of Hope children. This puppy will act as a comfort and anxiety reducing pet for the children. We will also conduct a dental camp for the village. For two days, five dentists will come to the village and give dental check ups to all villagers, Home of Hope children and school children!

We are very happy to be traveling together with Rachel Phillips, who is a 49 year old financial planner from United Kingdom. We have met up with her in Doha!

I’m feeling very excited, nervous and happy! I’m feeling grateful for the opportunity to join with Lööf Foundation! It is just so special to be going, and I feel that the Home of Hope children are so amazing, and I cannot wait to meet them! I’m also looking forward to getting the puppy. We will pick up the puppy tomorrow, thank you to everyone who has donated to me! I cannot wait to wrap my arms around the children and puppy and give them all my love!!

Morgan Young and Rachel Phillips

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