This morning Monica Hellström from Gnosjöglobal and her volunteer Carolina who is a nurse from Sweden joined Niklas and I, Dean and Mungai to take some items out of the shipping container that we sent in May with many items for the health clinic. We took out items that are not for the health clinic, and organized some items a bit better! It is so great to see and work with Monica again, as she has been very engaged with our health clinic project!

It was very fun to record a voice over for a film Niklas is making from this trip in the music studio at Kenswed Academy. It’s a proper music studio with padding on the walls, and musical instruments inside. It’s a great space for the students to come and learn about recording and playing music, as music can be such a large part of people’s lives and also therapeutic at times.

We headed up to Ngong hills again today. We walked up to a higher point and could see on both sides of the hill. On one side you could see Masaai land where we had traveled yesterday. it was very flat, with one main dirt road, and many small homes. Compared to the other side of the hill, where you could see Ngong and in the distance Nairobi. On this side there were many paved roads, with larger homes and tall buildings in Nairobi. The contrast between these two sides of the was hill was night and day.

Even though one side of the hill is more developed, it doesn’t mean that no one suffers. Millions of people still live in slum areas, cannot access health clinics and live a hard life. It made me think that no matter what side of the hill you come from, everyone will be welcomed at the Kenswed Maternity & Health Center, and for that I am happy.

Morgan Young

Lööf Foundation representative






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