This morning we visited the building site, where the construction workers were continuing with putting glass in the window frames, and also making great progress with the ceiling throughout the building. I was very impressed at how hard and fast these men work. We at Lööf Foundation feel very proud, pleased, impressed and grateful for all of the hard work these construction men have put into this building. From our second trip in September, to this current trip now, these men continue to work on tirelessly. To show our appreciation we decided to provide them all with a good lunch again. We bought goat meat stew, along with bread and juice. It was so wonderful to see the smiles on their faces while coming back for seconds. They were so grateful for the lunch, that almost all of them came up and thanked us personally for the meal. It didn’t take long for the food to be eaten, and the men quickly returned back to work. It was a wonderful feeling to stand on the main entrance of the building, with a ceiling and roof, and serve food to the men who have built the structure with their bare hands.

Niklas and I headed up to the Kenswed school to finish some filming. While there we spoke to one of the kitchen staff members and was told that his wife is two months pregnant. We told him to tell his wife about the health clinic being built and also asked to meet with her. He was very excited to tell her, and also for us to meet her. We met with a small group of boy students who were very interested in Niklas’s camera. He let the students film each other with his camera, and it was very fun to watch the boys interview each other!












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