This morning Monica and I went to the building site for the first time. It was so great to finally see it in person! The foundation of the building has been done, which took a long time to complete. While on site we got to watch them level the ground using a machine. In some spots where the ground was still uneven, or raised, they had to dig, and then even the ground with the machine again.

In the foundation we could see where all of the rooms were sectioned off, and where the walls will be built up. I had a long meeting with the building project manager to be updated on the building timeline. Next week I will be able to see them lay a concrete layer over the dirt foundation that they leveled today. I may even get the chance to see the beginning stage of the walls next week!

We visited Kenswed Academy and said hello to many students and met the staff who works there. I felt very proud for the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation, to see this beautiful school and the boarding dorm that houses 52 girls. It made me feel even more excited to hold our total health workshop with Monica tomorrow for the school children and give back.

Tomorrow morning Monica and I will meet with Isaac Macharia and the doctor to discuss further details of the health center. It’s been a very full, busy, and informative day today! Very much looking forward to tomorrow!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative





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