It was so great to see Anele Nosipho Ngcobo again today! We gave her a scholarship for her university studies during December 2016. She is currently in her second year for her teaching degree in early childhood development. She will graduate from the program in 2020, where she will teach grades 4-9. She attends the University of South Africa (UNISA) in Durban. She expressed to me that she is so happy studying and that she truly feels like teaching is her calling.

Anele has three exams coming up this month. She is currently studying during the autumn semester, as in South Africa June and July are considered their winter holiday. On May 8 she will write a math exam, May 11 a natural science exam and on May 28 a language studies in isi zulu exam.

To fulfill her academic requirements, Anele has taken part in two work experiences which she did at the school Intongela in her home town which is a rural area outside of Durban. The school has 600 students ranging in grades 4-9. One teacher at the school can be responsible for 50 students or more. Anele was supposed to shadow the teachers teaching grades 4-9, however there was no teacher for the grade four class. Anele became the proper teacher for the fourth grade and taught the students art, culture, isi zulu and math. She felt hesitant at first to teach the children on her own, but after a couple of days the kids respected her and looked to her as their teacher.

Each day Anele worked from 7:30-14:30. After 14:30 she taught the PE (physical education) class as they had no teacher for this subject. She taught the children athletics, net ball and soccer. I felt so happy to hear that Anele even got a recommendation from the principle of the school! I feel very proud of Anele for going above and beyond what was expected of her and having the determination and courage to teach when there were no proper teachers.

Anele lives in Durban near the school she studies at. Her father Lenos who has been an employee at Partex South Africa for over 30 years helps pay for her living accommodation, while Lööf Foundation pays for her schooling and books. Anele rooms with two other girls who are also studying to become teachers. At the school 60% of the students are women, while 40% are male who study to become teachers. Once Anele graduates from the program and starts working, she will make between ZAR 20-25 000 :- per month. This is a significantly higher wage than the ZAR 2 500 :- she was making from working at a retirement home before she received the scholarship from us. It goes to show that education in South Africa can really pay off.

I feel very happy and proud after seeing Anele today, as she is working hard, going for her dreams and learning so much. She said that she feels as if she is on the right path as she loves children. I feel very grateful that we have been able to help her fulfill her dreams!

Sophie Lööf
Lööf Foundation Chairman and Founder



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