Download and read the latest press release for the Maternity & Health clinic that we are building in cooperation with the ZB Foundation (Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation) in Kenya.

Pressmeddelande mödravårdsklinik Kenya 2018

The Maternity & Health clinic will be built in the town Ngonu in Kenya, 20 minutes outside Nairobi and 40 minutes from the airport. The land for the building has already been donated by Isaac Macharia Wanjohi, who is a Kenyan elite runner. We have drawn up the blue prints for the building of the clinic and have had the great pleasure of breaking ground for the building of the Maternity & Health clinic. Together with Måns Zelmerlöw we broke the first ground and held a small celebration ceremony. Together with Måns Zelmerlöw to represent the ZB Foundation (Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation) was Kasper Skarrie who is the Secretary General for ZB Foundation. We have decided that it is beneficial to build a Maternity & Health clinic in Ngonu, Kenya as the ZB Foundation has existing projects next door to where the Maternity & Health clinic will be built. These two projects are the Kensweed Academy which is a secondary school for young people in the Nariobi slum areas, and a boarding facility for 51 homeless teenage girls. As well they have a project in Uganda where they work to get vulnerable young boys off of the streets and they give support to the Star for Life projects in South Africa.

The Maternity & Health clinic will have a maternity ward to provide prenatal (before birth) and antenatal (post-birth) care to pregnant women, as well as general health care to the public and sexual education to youth. Our goal is to provide the best medical care possible in Kenyan standards to everyone that walks through our doors. In order to provide the best care that we can, our founder Sophie Lööf has been working hard to educate herself by doing volunteer work at the maternity ward in Skövde, Sweden.

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