We are so happy to announce and present our newest project that we are engaged in! Together with the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation, we are building a Maternity & Health clinic in Kenya. The Maternity & Health clinic will operate in two phases. The first phase will be to provide prenatal and antenatal care to pregnant women, as well as general health care to the public and sexual education to youth. The second phase will be to open a maternity ward for women and their babies. Our goal is to provide the best medical care possible in Kenyan standards to everyone that walks through our doors.

The Maternity & Health clinic will be built in the town Ngonu in Kenya, 20 minutes outside Nairobi and 40 minutes from the airport. The land for the building has already been donated. We are currently drawing up blue prints for the home. We will travel to Kenya during the beginning of March to hold the inauguration of laying the first stone together with Måns Zelmerlöw and Kasper Skarrie who is the general secretary for ZB Foundation (Måns Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation). We have decided that it is beneficial to build the Maternity & Health clinic in Ngonu, Kenya as the ZB Foundation has existing projects next door to where the Maternity & Health clinic will be built. These two projects are the Kensweed Academy which is a secondary school for young people in the Nairobi slum areas, and a boarding facility for 44 homeless girls. As well they have a project in Uganda where they work to get vulnerable young boys off of the streets and they also give support to the Star for Life Projects in South Africa.

Each year countless mothers die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth around the world. Even worse, is that millions of children die before the age of five around the world due to disease and malnutrition. In Kenya these death rates are still high. The majority of these deaths are preventable with the right medical care, education and nutrition. To provide the best care that we can, our founder Sophie Lööf has been working hard to educate herself by doing volunteer work at the maternity ward in Skövde, Sweden. Our hope is that we will be able to prevent unnecessary deaths by building our Maternity & Health clinic.

We are so happy and grateful that we have the opportunity to work alongside ZB Foundation to create an educational, safe and clean place for mothers and their babies to receive medical care!

If you would like to contribute to our new project, please mark your donation “Maternity & Health clinic”.

BG: 324-3565

Swish: 1236931562

For international transfers, please contact: morgan@nordfasinvest.se


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