Niklas and Morgan’s Diary – November 8, 2017

This morning I played football with Shyam and all of the kids in the backyard, it was the perfect way to start off the day! We helped to carry things down to the workshop. It’s really cool to see the room take change from a storage place to a full working classroom.

It was so fun to play football with all of the school kids again today and see them all give 100%, even though they play in sandals and flip flops. On the walk back to Home of Hope from the school we saw the sun start to set over the himalayas and it was majestic.

We spent time with the kids playing and making friendship bracelets. I have three now!

This morning I handed out more sponsor letters. I gave Sunita her t-shirt that her sponsor Gaetano Difazio wanted me to give her and the large amount of loom bands he sent me. She was so excited to get these and her eyes were so wide seeing how much he sent. Half will go to the school so the other children can enjoy and the other half Sunita went around to each Home of Hope child and shared with everyone!

To see Sunita passing along the gift of giving was very touching and says alot about her character! Samjhana was very excited to get a board game from her sponsors Margareta and Anne-Katrine. Samjhana was so excited to hear in her letter that the daughter of her sponsor is on the road to becoming a police woman, and Samjhana was excited to hear this as it is her dream too. She even said that she is so focused on her studies lately because she too wants to follow her dream!

It’s been so great to see Saroj and Rajan really settle in here at Home of Hope. It is so heart warming to see them laughing, playing, giggling, being silly and getting along with the other children. I almost cried tears of happiness when I heard Saroj hysterically laugh for the first time. I have seen the conditions that they came from, and have seen them many times before being in Home of Hope and I have never seen them smile or laugh this much.

The solar panel has been working, however there is a leak in one of the solar rods, which we are still working to fix! There hasn’t been enough sun throughout the day to make it really hot, so we can connect it and make warm through electricity which is really good!

Today we have moved all material into the technical workshop such as the sewing machine, cabinets, tables, stools, tools and sewing material. All of the school children pass by and look in with curiosity, and some even help us throughout the day. At mid day break Niklas and I play football with all of the school boys. It is so much fun to play with them and very interesting that even though we cannot communicate through the same language, we all still manage to play a sport together.

I’m ending the night with the wonderful sound of Asha putting Saroj to bed and hearing him and her giggle from tickling each other, and hearing Shyam in the girls room saying goodnight to all the girls!

Niklas and Morgan


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