Morgan and Niklas’s Diary – November 9, 2017:

This morning I woke to the sound of the water buffalo making loud noises. The next sound that I heard were the waking of the boys in their room. It doesn’t take long for Home of Hope to go from complete silence to the hustle and bustle of all of the children waking and starting their daily routine. It’s as if you live in a bee hive. Each person has a task or chore to complete, along the way they help one another and work together to help Home of Hope run smoothly. This morning Asha made the children a pumpkin soup with buffalo meat in it, served over rice. This morning I handed out the rest of the sponsor letters except for Preeti’s as I ran out of time. I’ve already gotten letters from some of the children back to their sponsors!

We continued work in the technical workshop with painting lettering on the walls, and continued with putting all material away. Tomorrow I will meet with an interested wood working teacher who would like to teach in the workshop. We have managed to fix the light in the guest room that was not working, along with the girl’s bathroom light we fixed today! Aren and Hari went to Aren’s home village to get more chickens as the chicken house only has six hens. They have had some hens not survive, but will be able to have more eggs with more local hens. The green house is doing fantastic! They are growing three different types of beans, peas, chili and cauliflower has started to grow. There are also many other vegetables growing outside of the greenhouse, which we first planted in the green house, but they have moved outside as there is not enough room. They are growing bitter gourd, onion, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, eggplant, coriander, spinach and chili. There are so many flowers in bloom here after the rainy season that the land around Home of Hope looks like one large botanical garden!

I am very much looking forward to holding the inauguration for the technical workshop on Sunday, as we will have everything ready and set up for then! So many of the children are wearing loom band bracelets from the gift Sunita got from her sponsor Gaetano. The night time routine was very fun tonight as Saroj and Rajan kept running out of their room to give Niklas and I a hug. Saroj now gives me a kiss on both cheeks before and says hello Morgan, bye Morgan! Even though he doesn’t know much English, the way he communicates through his actions is even better than words!

When I tried to film the children playing football during their school break, I used the drone and quickly realized that when the drone lifted from the ground, the game came to a quick stop as everyone circled around me trying to get a glimpse at the screen or to get a better look at the drone. After my third battery, the children started to lose interest, and returned to playing. It felt really special to join some of the kids and Asha to the temple to see how they pray each day. Tonight, was an especially clear night so we took a minute to just look at the stars which was very peaceful. I’m looking forward to completing the classroom tomorrow!

Morgan and Niklas


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