Morgan and Niklas’s Diary – November 6, 2017

Last evening I handed out a few sponsorship letters to the children who were all very excited! Salina was so happy to receive her sponsor Stina Palmqvist. She loved looking at the photos and was so interested in her sponsors life.

This morning we were up with the children and checked the chicken house to see if there were any eggs to collect. There was one hen sitting on eggs so we left her be. I did a lice check on many children and then helped Asha to braid the girls hair for school. I took the new children’s weight and height.

Shortly after the kids went off to school, we also went down to the school to start working on the technical workshop. We first dusted and swepted out the classroom. We had to fill in some small cracks on the walls made from the earthquake, and then painted all of the walls with two coats. I can’t wait to finish the painting and start moving everything in!! Shyam, Niklas and I worked all day! Niklas and I played football with all of the school boys during their break, it was so much fun to play with them. Many are quite skilled in football, and competitive!

I handed out new Lööf Foundation T-shirts to all of the children, and Rajan put his on right away and really loved it! I don’t think he is so used to getting new things, so this was really a treat for him! This evening we checked the chicken house again, and we were able to take three eggs!

I really enjoyed meeting the villagers and seeing how they live. It’s very nice to hear and see the progress that the school has made as it has been rebuilt after the earthquake. I’m happy to be apart of the development of a new part of the school. I had an amazing day being with and playing football with all of the school children.

It was interesting to be with the children and have no one using technology, but actually spending quality time with one another. The Home of Hope kids are really starting to grow on me. A lot of them are coming out of their shells and showing their true personalities. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and spend another day with them!

Morgan and Niklas

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