Morgan and Monica’s Diary – May 28, 2017

We got up early this morning to check that the plumber was coming to work on the solar panel. It was decided that the stone area where the solar panel should sit would have to be cut shorter for it to fit. We had a worker who helped to get and mix cement so it would be a flat area for the solar panel to sit on. While we packed out last few items, a woman showed up on the front porch of Home of Hope with other village women. Apparently, she had fallen from a tree with a basket on her back while getting leaves for her goats. Monica examined her and it appeared that her lower back was the only thing injured. Monica gave her some medicine for pain to manage the trip and said it would be best to get checked out at the hospital in Khadichour just to be sure.

We decided that we would walk to the bus stop and meet the jeep there, as we know the way, and wanted to give the woman as much room as possible for the bumpiest part of the ride. We finished packing all of our things and checked on the solar panel area one last time. They were laying cement and after talking to the plumber and Shyam, it looked like there was not enough pressure between the water tank and solar panel tank for water. The water tank will have to be raised either using cement or iron. As well the solar panel will have to be connected to Home of Hope and the water tank. Unfortunately, these things will have to be done when we are not there, but we have a plan now and we hope everything will go accordingly.

Saying goodbye to all of the children was a sad process. They all came to us with traditional farewell scarves and flowers that they had picked for us. In the moments of giving each child a hug, it was very emotional for us as we bonded so much with them each trip. Seeing all of children start to cry made us cry even more, because we feel so much love for them. Even though we have done a lot of work on building the chicken house, we have also had a lot of special moments with each child, that makes saying goodbye that much harder. As we started our walk to the bus stop we passed the school and got a chance to yell goodbye to all of the children. It was nice to have the walk as our emotions were running high and it was a good way to calm down from being emotional. We only had to wait 20 minutes before the jeep arrived. We rode with the woman and her husband till the hospital in Khadichour. We helped her out of jeep and into an emergency room. We then continued our long drive to Kathmandu. It was a very good drive and took us around 6 hours to reach Kathmandu. We are back at the Monastery which feels like home to us now.

This trip has been quite successful for us.


With my donated money, I was able to purchase the solar panel and items for the Home of Hope children such as hygiene products, medicine, food, kitchen items, and a lot of materials needed to build the chicken house. For the village, I bought medicine and for the school I provided a lunch for all 90 children and teachers. We handed out notebooks and pens to each child along with the children at Upper Ratankot. I held a workshop at the school about the basic body functions and litter clean up. I held a women’s meeting at Home of Hope for around 30 women teaching them about birth, basic care for children, basic hygienic care and women’s issues. I did a health check up on all of the Home of Hope children, gave a small workshop on first aid and I did one home visit and four villagers came to Home of Hope to seek medical advice from me.

The most time-consuming project was to help build the chicken house which I am very proud to say we accomplished! The most fulfilling thing was to spend time with the Home of Hope children and help Asha with her daily errands. The best feeling after this trip is knowing the influence and impact I have had on these children. Just by giving them love and hugs and knowing that they have someone else in the world that loves and cares for them has been the best part of the trip. Knowing that I have helped to make their life and future a little bit better and that I have given them some education so they feel hopeful for the future, makes me feel that this home is really a home of hope for these children. A big thank you to Morgan Young, it was a feeling of familiarity to travel back with her again to Home of Hope and run this project with her together. Also, a big thank you to Sophie Lööf and Lööf Foundation for giving me the opportunity and trust to travel back again!


This trip has really been the best of them yet. I feel as though I have been able to make a breakthrough with each and every child now. Some children in past trips have been shyer, or have had some walls up from their childhood experiences. During this trip, it felt as if their walls had come down, and they all fully trust me now. It makes me happy and proud to see that Home of Hope allows them the opportunity to be children again and to trust in others as it has been difficult for them in the past. The time has really flown by for me as each day was always filled with so many activities. I was able to hand out all the donated clothes I brought with me from Sweden and two sets of pajamas for each child. As well I handed out all sponsor letters and photos and helped the children to write back letters to their sponsors. I held two board meetings, did a home visit, and focused a lot of energy on getting the chicken house built. I was able to do a nutrition course for the school children in Ratankot and help with the litter clean up and school lunch. I planted donated seeds with the children and Asha and interviewed all Home of Hope children. The interviews allowed me alone time with the children together with Asha and Shyam to translate. This time alone really allowed for the children to feel they had a safe place to say how they really feel, which they took the opportunity to. It also turned into a bonding moment as Hari told me I was his best friend, which was very touching.

During each moment with every child the time has seemed to go slow, but looking back on the past week and a half, the time has flown. Every child at Home of Hope has stolen my heart, and every moment I spend with them is valuable to me. They grow and change so much each day, it is a privilege to see it in real life. It has been over one year since they moved into Home of Hope, and to see the difference in character, personality and a light of hope in their eyes is more than I could have ever asked for. The Home of Hope children have so much love to give and I am so grateful I am able to return that love and be a part of their family.

Morgan and Monica












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