Morgan and Monica’s Diary – May 22, 2017,

Last night we fell asleep to the sound of Aren singing from his bed. It was quite nice to hear him. We got up quite early as Shree and Radhika were leaving this morning for Kathmandu. They will stay in Kathmandu for one month to take a computer course while they wait for their exam results. We gave them departing scarves which in Nepal means to wish them good luck. All of the children ran outside to say goodbye and it turned out to be an emotional farewell. Even Asha got teary eyed when she hugged them goodbye. It just goes to show the incredible bond and unity that everyone in Home of Hope has towards each other. Many of the older girls started to cry so we comforted them and waved goodbye to Shree and Radhika.

Morgan handed out Lööf Foundation t-shirts to all the children! Soon after it was time for the board meeting to start. It was a shorter meeting than expected as some had to leave for other commitments so the board meeting will continue later this week! Many important topics were discussed and everyone on the Home of Hope board seems to be on the same page. After the board meeting I joined Monica as she had already started carrying more bricks to the construction site of the chicken house. The rest of the day consisted of us carrying sand, stones and cement as we were laying bricks today. It was a hard day in the beating sun but in the evening when we saw the finished walls we were all quite proud of what we had accomplished. It didn’t always feel like work because we have really started to bond with some of the local village people that are working with us. They teach us Nepalese, how to build properly. It’s really quite interesting to interact with them, because we have to use a lot of hand gestures and sign language to communicate and understand one another.

Not only did we get work done on the chicken house, we also dug out and laid rocks for the foundation of the new water tank spot. We will be moving it later this week to make room for the solar panels. Around lunch time while we were collecting sand a jeep drove by. They stopped beside us to deliver some medicine to the health clinic. They told us they were continuing further to a small hospital that was three hours away. They were Nepali but were working for a French organization to make sure that medicine would get delivered to health clinics and small hospitals. Monica took the opportunity to give her donated medical equipment that should be used in a hospital to these three men so they could deliver it to the hospital. She handed over the medicine she bought while in Khadichour with her donated money to the health clinic and other items such as bandage wraps, pregnancy tests, medical gloves and much more!

Morgan continued handing out the rest of the sponsor letters to the children tonight. All of the children have been so excited to receive big pictures of their sponsors and have already started hanging them on the wall next to their beds! We helped the children start to write their letters back to their sponsors. The children are all so eager to write long letters and tell all about themselves! Asha and us were all over the house helping the children spell out words in English. Thank you to all of our sponsors who took the time to write letters and send photos. It really means the world to all of the Home of Hope children. Seeing their large smiles when reading your letters and hearing how much they love you already is very heart warming.

After dinner Shyam and Asha translated and explained the new Home of Hope rules sign to all of the children. We will mount the sign tomorrow it will always be visible! It was so nice to get a phone call from Shree and Radhika who were checking in to let us know they had arrived safe in Kathmandu. All of the kids were so happy and excited to talk to them on the phone. We did our nightly routine of saying goodnight to all of the children which consists of lots of hugs, kisses, “I love you”, and “sweet dreams”. In Nepal, it is not common for the parents to say goodnight to their children the way we do in Sweden. It has been interesting to see that while we have been here, Shyam and Asha are partaking in our nightly routines of saying goodnight. I think it is good that they show love and affection before the children head off to bed.

Now it is time for us to head to bed as it has been a great day!

Morgan and Monica














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