Morgan and Monica’s Diary – May 14, 2017,

There were so many big, fluffy white clouds as we approached Kathmandu that our plane had to circle many times before we could land. Our pilot could not see where the mountains were and we needed better visibility, so we landed 40 min late. Despite the delay, we made it safe and sound to Kathmandu! We were picked up from the airport by one of Shyam’s friends, as Shyam and his brothers Karma and Prem are in Ratankot to vote in the election going on here in Nepal.

We went by taxi to the Porong Monastery and after speaking Monica and I both agreed that it felt like coming home as we drove through the very busy streets of Kathmandu. When we look back on our first times driving through Kathmandu, we were so scared, nervous, excited and everything was so new. Now it feels normal to see cows in the middle of the street or to be jammed between two big trucks. Just as our drive to the airport in Sweden feels normal, now so does driving through Kathmandu. We are less nervous and scared, and more excited to take in the scenes of the busy daily life.

Once we arrived at the guest house we got our room and brought all of our bags in. We were quite hungry after our long day so we prepared our freeze dried meals which were tasty! Tomorrow Shyam will meet us in Kathmandu and we will hopefully buy solar panels for Home of Hope that we will install to give hot water in the showers and kitchen sink.

We are both only running on a few hours of sleep, so it is early bed for us tonight so we will be well rested for tomorrow!

Morgan and Monica


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