Here in Sweden we are celebrating the one year anniversary of Home of Hope. We made a cake here and sent a special video to all of the kids in Nepal!!

We had a great dinner together and shared our favorite memories from the inauguration of Home of Hope.

Johan’s favorite memory:
“I was so glad to see Home of Hope finally finished. After seven trips to Nepal to build this, it was so great to see it complete and everyone moved in.”

Sophie’s favorite memory:
“My favorite moment was when I met Samjhana for the first time, she came running to me and gave me a big hug. The love I felt for her was the same as when I gave birth to my two biological daughters. I felt overwhelmed when Laxmi our youngest child was handed over to us. I feel very grateful for Johan’s persistence in getting Home of Hope built and very happy for Morgan’s ongoing work at Home of Hope. I feel like us three together make a great team!”

Morgans favorite memory:
“My favorite memory was getting all of the children settled in. Despite the language difference, they put their complete trust in me to take care of them. Even though many were coming from very tragic backgrounds, they still had it in them to trust me, Shyam, Asha, Johan, Sophie, and Home of Hope. To see them trust a house, a home was more than I could have ever asked for!”

Today may mark the first year of Home of Hope up and running, but in this one year they have all grown, developed and become children again! This is just the beginning for our Home of Hope children!

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