Management Report Lööf Foundation 2016

Lööf Foundation is a philanthropic non-profit foundation that aims to contribute to other people’s development and well-being, both locally and globally. It seeks to promote the care and education of children and young people as well as environmental and social aid activities.

During the year 2016 the Foundation has engaged in the following projects:

Home of Hope family home in Ratankot, Nepal

Nepal, 6th trip, Jan-Feb -16

During January and February Lööf Foundation representative Johan Magnusson traveled to Nepal to oversee the reconstruction process of Home of Hope and to help with the construction of wooden roof rafters. He stayed in Ratankot for a total of five weeks as the reconstruction process took longer than expected. While there he lived in a tent and ate freeze-dried food he brought from Sweden. When he arrived at the building site of Home of Hope, the foundation was already in place. He made new sketches for Home of Hope, oversaw the walls being built, helped oversee the welding of reinforcement bars, and installment of the windows. He made and finished the roof rafters and was even able to get those up before he left.

Not only did Johan help with the reconstruction process, he also helped to build a shelving unit for the small health clinic and distributed a total of 3 000 kg of rice to the villagers which would provide 210 families with food. He handed out hand knit sweaters to the villagers that were knitted and donated by Elisabeth, Vanja and Inga-Lill from Mariestad. There were not enough sweaters for everyone so Sophie and Morgan held a fundraiser in Sweden to buy more sweaters, shoes and socks for all the children in the village. We raised approx. SEK 28 000: – which allowed Johan to buy 150 pairs of shoes, 150 jackets, 300 pairs of sock and 1 200 kg of rice. All the children were so happy to receive these new items!


Nepal, 7th trip, April

Sophie Lööf, Johan Magnusson, Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young and volunteer Thandiwe Mazibuko all traveled together for the inauguration of Home of Hope in Nepal. Thandiwe Mazibuko lives and works in Durban, South Africa as a Star for Life Coach and Music Director of Star Choir. From Sweden, we brought three suitcases with us filled with clothes, toys, shoes and stuffed animals for the Home of Hope children. We visited the tent camp in Kathmandu where there were still 500 families living there after the earthquakes that struck Nepal in May 2015. We bought soap, noodles, toothbrushes and toothpaste for some of the people living as we wanted to help them in some way. While in Kathmandu we purchased different items that Home of Hope may need such as soccer balls, food, games, water, medicine, toiletries and hygiene products. We also bought party supplies for the inauguration. We left Kathmandu and headed to Ratankot to see Home of Hope for the first time. We helped the children move into Home of Hope and get settled. Once all the children were moved in we held the inauguration on April 30th.  We invited the whole village to come and celebrate. Many speeches were held, the Swedish ribbon was cut, and we provided lunch for all villagers. We were treated to a special performance from our Home of Hope children and Thandiwe who sang and danced along with a dance from local villagers.

While in Ratankot, Thandiwe held a workshop at the tent school. The workshop was to teach the children about the Star for Life star, what the colors represented, how to go for their dreams, and how to set goals for their dreams. She also provided the same workshop just for the Home of Hope children.


Nepal, 8th trip, September -16

Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young traveled together with volunteer Monica Helström who is a specialized nurse and midwife to Home of Hope in Nepal. Prior to the trip, Monica raised an amazing SEK 38 000: – for Home of Hope. With her donated money, she was able to purchase many items in Kathmandu such as hygienic items, kitchen supplies, food, cleaning products, household items, games and sports equipment for the children and medicine. Some of the bigger items were a laptop and Wi-Fi. This would allow for better contact and communication between Shyam and the Lööf Foundation.

While at Home of Hope, Monica did a health check up on all the children. She taught the Home of Hope children how to do yoga, helped them with their English and gave a lesson on how to use nasal inhalers. She also did a health check up on the school children at the tent school in Ratankot and treated the children with urgent health problems. Together with Morgan they held a workshop for the school on children on how to not to get sick or spread germs. She held a workshop for the school children at Upper Ratankot school and did a health check on some smaller children. She also held a women’s meeting to give them advice on childbirth, menstruation, protection and did a basic health check up on a few pregnant women.

Morgan helped to install a washing machine and fridge in Home of Hope that Lööf Foundation supported them with. As well, she held a Home of Hope board meeting, conducted interviews on the Home of Hope children and did a general check up on the house.

Love Lions Alive sanctuary, South Africa

South Africa, 1st trip, March -16

Sophie Lööf traveled together with her father TorBjörn Lööf to visit the Love Lions Alive sanctuary in South Africa. Many lions are being killed for their body parts or hunted for sport so Andi Rive has created a sanctuary to save lions. She is also known as the “Lion Queen” from her documentary on Animal Planet. After visiting the sanctuary, it was decided that the Lööf Foundation would help Andi and sponsor a lion enclosure. We named it the Lööf Foundation Lion Lagoon enclosure. It is two hectares large and would be home to two male lions, Mandla and Isibindi. Solar panels would generate electricity for the electric fences that would be around the enclosure. Inside the enclosure, the lions have cliffs, trees for shade, plenty of water from pools and natural water.

South Africa, 2nd trip, July -16

Sophie Lööf traveled with Johan Magnusson to hold the inauguration for the Lion Lagoon enclosure. While there they helped to prepare the enclosure for the lions and helped with other various duties at the sanctuary. They also helped Andi to save a two-month-old cub, which was named Carl. They prepared for the inauguration of the enclosure and held it on July 14. We had a vet come to dart Mandla and Isibindi, as it was the only way to properly move them. While the lions were asleep the vet checked them over and gave them deworming medicine. He also gave Carl a micro-chip, vaccinated him and gave him deworming medicine. The Lööf Foundation covered the expenses for the vet. Once the lions we moved and settled in their new enclosure, Sophie and Andi held speeches before cutting the Swedish ribbon to the entrance of the Lion Lagoon enclosure. Andi organized for African dancing with drums. We gave out Lööf Foundation teddy bears to all the children at the party and celebrated with food and treats.

South Africa, 3rd trip, November -16

Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young traveled to Love Lions Alive sanctuary to volunteer and check up on the Lion Lagoon enclosure. While there she helped to feed the lions, clean the enclosures, take care of two cubs Odin and Mulan and help with installing a new water system for the lion enclosures. She also helped to move Mandla and Isibindi from the Lööf Foundation Lion Lagoon enclosure as new water pipes had to be installed and the enclosure had to be cleaned.

South Africa, 4th trip, December -16

Sophie and her family visited Love Lions Alive sanctuary to volunteer. They helped Andi by assisting in building a bigger water pool in Carl’s enclosure and helped to build a roof on one of the new tented camp area where volunteer’s will stay during their work at Andi’s sanctuary.


Star for Life support at Folweni High school, South Africa

2nd visit, March -16

Sophie Lööf, Mikael Persson CEO Partex, Ronja Lundqvist Partex Sweden, Simon Hooper Partex UK, Peter Symonds Partex UK, Barry Haley and Martin Erasum Partex South Africa visited together the Folweni High school hold a launch party in celebration of Lööf Foundation’s support to Folweni High school. Lööf Foundation is on a three-year long journey with the help of Star for Life to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in the students. We also hope that Star for Life will teach them how to go for their dreams and have hope! There was lots of singing, dancing and many performances done by the students and teachers. Speeches were held by many and Sophie. To end the celebration off a grade 11 student helped Sophie to raise the Star for Life and South African flag while everyone sang the South African anthem.

3rd visit, July -16

Sophie and Johan visit Folweni High school to check up. They met with the Star for Life coaches and had a meeting with the Star for Life staff and headmaster of the school. The schedule of Star for Life’s workshops has been delayed due to an upcoming election. This causes riots which created blocked roads and closed schools making it difficult for Star for Life to reach the school and hold the workshops as planned. As well this made the mobile clinic behind schedule so it was decided they would speed up the workshops in the coming year. A devastating matter that happened on June 6, was the death of a student when another student stabbed him. Star for Life was very active within the school providing students and teachers with workshops to allow them to talk, grieve and receive counselling. Johan and Sophie were very pleased with the workshops taking place in the school and the discussions that were being had with the students concerning pregnancy, consequences and goals. They were treated to special performance by their music class.

Ikhayo Lo Thando (Home of Love), Durban – South Africa

South Africa, July -16

Ikhayo Lo Thando means “Home of Love” and is run by a group called 1000 Hills Community Helpers which is made up by volunteers. Dawn Leppan started the project to help her community. Ikhayo Lo Thando has a health and wellness clinic, children’s care center, early education and development facility. They want to design a place where they can provice orphaned and vulnerable children with proper food and clothing. All their food comes from donations or money donations used to purchase food. We wanted to help them out so we handed out teddy bears and toys that we brought from Sweden and books donated by Partex UK.

Glitter at Amnegården in Gullspång, Sweden

Sweden, July – 16

Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young visited Amnegården, a facility that provides special accommodation for the elderly who can no longer live on their own in their home and require short-term care or continued care. She brought a dog named Glitter with to meet and cheer up some of the residents. The feedback from the residents was so positive! They thought Glitter was very cute. Glitter circulated the room and received pets and even some small treats. Many of the residents shared stories about when they had their own dogs. It was a very fun day for everyone, even Glitter!

Refugees, Gullspång, Sweden

Sweden, July – 16 

Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young visited a communal living area in Gullspång for refugees in Sweden. She brought three large bags filled with kids clothing, baby clothes and a baby swing that hangs in the door to donate. She spoke with many of the people living there and listened to their horrifying experiences and stories of coming to Sweden. She met one family that had a 10-month-old daughter Sham. Morgan later got invited to her birthday party where she took a Lööf Foundation teddy bear as a gift to Sham. She had a great time celebrating and felt very welcome!

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