Morgan and Kaylee’s Diary – February 15, 2017


This morning I gave Shyam another computer lesson. I had previously given him one during September however, I wanted to make sure he felt confident using the computer for reporting. It went really great, he was able to do everything on his own. I will be sure to give him another lesson tomorrow! I ate an early lunch shortly after this as Shyam and I decided to visit a college this afternoon so I could gather more information. It is a government run college and could potentially be one that Shree and Radhika go to once they finish grade 10. Shyam and I went by motorbike. It felt as if I was riding a horse the whole way because it was so bumpy. Along the way back Shyam and I stopped in at his family’s place as they were having a gathering for a funeral however, everyone seemed happy. It always amazes me how welcome I feel here in Nepal. Despite not knowing anyone, everyone welcomes me with open arms and accepts me even though I am different.
Once we returned to Ratankot I joined all the school children on their walk home. All the school children know me by name now and say hello and goodbye to me all the time. I don’t feel like a stranger here in Ratankot. I feel as if I am part of the village. Once back at Home of Hope I took a short rest while the children ate their snack. I then continued with the interviews, which went quite quick today! I received the last of the sponsor letters from the children tonight except from Sunita who wanted to finish her drawing. I still feel overwhelmed by all the love and connectedness the children feel for their sponsor. I think it will be great for all the children!

This evening when I was saying my routine of goodnights to all the children, Aren asked me when I was leaving for my country. I told him we fly back on Sunday and that we leave for Kathmandu on Friday. He looked so sad and told me I had to come back soon. I told him I would be back soon and not to worry. Tomorrow will be my last full day here and I am already dreading having to say goodbye to all the children. It is never easy, especially with these children as they hold a special place in my heart. Tomorrow morning Kaylee, Shyam, Asha and I will plant the seeds that Kaylee had bought. I am really looking forward to that as it will be a sign of mission complete!


This morning we were up before the kids and we were eating breakfast as they all made their way out of their rooms. I really like their morning routine. The kids get up and get dressed, have a small breakfast and do their chores. Then they usually study for a while before they eat again. After that it is time to leave for school. Today I saw the kids off and then watched Shyam make some new brooms for Home of Hope from scratch. It was really interesting to watch at he weaved the thread through the long pieces of brush. As I was sitting in on Shyams computer lesson with Morgan, Preeti and Puja came home. Puja had been sick to her stomach and needed to come home and lay down. Luckily she didn’t have a fever so we all agreed that it was probably something that she had eaten. Morgan and Shyam were to go to the college and I stayed behind to keep a watch over Puja with Asha. Puja slept for quite a while and then she came out to sit with me on the front porch and I read her one of the books that was donated by Partex UK. She curled up next to me and we had a very cozy time as we read through the book together. She is such a wonderful kid. I am always surprised by her ability to both learn and teach, but most of all by her ability to love and care about others. As the days have gone by she has really taken her own little place in my heart.

This evening I helped the children write the last of the letters to their sponsors. It was a fun time watching Laxmi write in English and Puja was a great helper as a translator. I really enjoyed hearing them think of what they wanted to say to their sponsors. They all wanted their letters to be as perfect as possible and they put so much time and effort into each and every one. The children all know that we are leaving on Friday and tonight I felt like the hugs lasted just a little bit longer than usual. It is going to be a terribly sad day on Friday to say goodbye to all of them as I have really become attached! But I am going to do my best to enjoy tomorrow to the fullest and make it one more unforgettable day in Nepal.

Morgan and Kalyee




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