Morgan and Kaylee’s Diary – February 13, 2017

This morning Kaylee and I woke up with head colds, so we weren’t feeling our best. We helped the children with their homework before breakfast and spoke with Shyam about the plans for the green house today. The rest of the plastic was to arrive today so we wanted to plan to get the majority of the work done today, so we can start planting before we leave. Shyam and us followed the kids to school as we had to have a meeting with the headmaster, Sunita and Samjhana. The teacher had told us yesterday that they have been laughing too much and disrupting the class. We had a conversation with them and decided that it would be best if they did not sit beside each other anymore.

It was great to see some of the school children picking up garbage and emptying the garbage can. It goes to show that our workshop with the children really left an influence on them. We made our way back up to Home of Hope and took a short rest. Shyam arrived shortly after and we all went out to the green house where Babu and Ayuss were starting to work. They had started early this morning cutting bamboo to place on top of the plastic on the roof. Shyam left to pick up the rest of the plastic and we tapped all edges and sharp points so that it would not tear a hole in the plastic when we put it on the roof. Babu and Ayuss were cutting off some of the longer pieces of bamboo that were sticking out. We got the plastic out and started to spread it out so that we could get it up and over the frame of the greenhouse. We attached string to the holes in the plastic and all worked together to pull the plastic up and over the roof. Once we finished with the roof, we still had to wait for Shyam to return with the rest of the plastic to continue.

We took a walk down to the new goat farm that is being built by Karma Lama (Shyam’s brother). It took us a little while to figure out how to get there, but eventually we managed. Karmas plan is to start with 50 goats and have the village people chip in on the goats so that they can receive part of the profit. His goal is to eventually have 100 goats. The goats will be used for meat, fertilizer and milk. All profits will be distributed back into the village. We think this is a great way to create jobs for the village people and give extra income to families. On our way, back to Home of Hope we saw Shyam arriving with the plastic. We all worked together to wrap the plastic around the frame to create walls. Then we secured the plastic with cut bamboo and screwed it into the frame. It really started to look like a greenhouse with the plastic up. We were so thrilled with the results from today’s work! All that is left is to make a door, a small room for seedlings (nursery), dig trenches around the bottom to secure the plastic and to adjust the roof plastic.

During the evening, we found time to start interviewing the children which we will continue with for the rest of the week. It’s always interesting to hear how the children are doing and observe any changes in their answers. After dinner, we played with the children, did some gymnastics and played kung fu fighting with them. It was quite hilarious! Bishek, Purna and Hari showed us their tricks by doing flips and front handsprings while we all sat, applauded and laughed. Soon after it was time to settle down go to bed. Our bedtime routine consists of hugs, kisses, saying goodnight, sleep well and sweet dreams. Many of the children come back for a second hug before settling into bed. Once the boys have all gone into their room, then we head to the girl’s room. It’s quite a procedure getting each girl to calm down and stop jumping on us or clinging to our legs. After we snuggle with them for a few minutes, we sang goodnight to them as we were leaving their room. It felt so great to hear them all giggling as we left them for bed. We look forward to continuing with the greenhouse and potentially finishing it tomorrow! We feel quite proud that we were able to get this built in the time that we have been here!

Morgan and Kaylee





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