Morgan’s Diary – February 4, 2017

Kaylee and I woke up feeling rested this morning which was well needed as we were very tired last night. We got ready this morning and then met Shyam and our taxi driver. We first drove to a shop to buy seeds for the green house. Kaylee purchased many different kinds with her donated money so that Shyam, Asha and the children can try different types of vegetables. We got pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumber, gourds, spices and lots more! She also bought two different sprinklers that attach to a hose, so that the plants can get plenty of water! Next, we headed to buy plastic for the walls and roof of the greenhouse. It took us around an hour to buy as we had to discuss cost, quality and amount. However, this felt normal as things here can take a little longer than they can in Sweden. Once we finished up, we went to the shopping centre where I bought items for Home of Hope such as a new kettle as theirs has stopped working, along with food, hygiene products and new underwear for all children! I made sure to get more tuna, as this is a good protein source for the children. We had to make two trips to the Parong Monastery, where we are staying as our little taxi could not fit all the items we bought! Kaylee bought a globe that spins so that we can educate the Home of Hope children about the world. This is a perfect way to show the children where their sponsors live, so they can feel more connected! I also bought folders for each child, so they have a safe place to keep all letters and photos they receive from their sponsor! I honestly cannot wait to read the letters from their sponsors to them!

It feels good to be back in Nepal, and especially in Katmandu. As busy as Katmandu is, it has this lively feeling unlike any other place I have been before. There is so much vibrant color, and activity all around you. It was especially interesting to be with Kaylee today and hear all of her comments. It reminded me a little of myself when I first came to Nepal. It also opened my eyes a little to all of the things that I was fascinated with during my first trip but now find normal as I have become used to the Nepalese way of life.

Our last stop for the day was to buy notebooks as Kaylee wanted to buy some for the school children with her donated money. We managed to get five per child. This will really help the children and their families, as many families in Ratankot struggle to afford school materials for their children. We managed to get enough notebooks for the children who go to school at upper Ratankot as well. There are 35 children in that school. We are planning on making a trip there to distributed the notebooks to them. At the tent school in Ratankot, Kaylee and I are planning on holding a small workshop for the school children to educate them about geography and gender equality, as well as provide them with a meal bought with Kaylee’s donated money. We will purchase most of the food within the village, this way we can support the villagers. During the school day, the children do not receive any food while in school. This will be a special treat for them! On our way to Ratankot tomorrow, we will stop in Khadichour to buy vegetables for the meal!

Shyam has informed me that all the children are bigger and look older. He showed me some recent photos of the children, and I could not believe how much older they look. It amazes me that I can leave them for four months and they grow up so fast! I am currently counting down the hours until I see them next as I miss them all so much!!

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with our monk, Pema Dorjee Lama which I am really looking forward to as I haven’t seen him since last April! Then we will purchase a few more items we need for the green house and finally drive to Home of Hope!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative



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