Kaylee and Morgan’s Diary – February 2, 2017

Kaylee Flood:

I am a 24 year old Canadian living and studying social work in Sweden and working as a social secretary. My goal is to spread and share the Swedish welfare system with countries that are less developed around the world. It is very important to me to that every child knows their own worth and potential to achieve their goals in life. I feel it is important for every child to receive good living standards. Because of this I believe Home of Hope will give the children that opportunity. This is why I wanted to volunteer for the Lööf Foundation and help the Home of Hope children as much as I can. While there I hope to teach them English, self worth, independence, and to spark excitement for their futures.

I can’t wait to meet them all and get to know their unique personalities!


Words cannot express how excited I am to return to Home of Hope and see all of the children again! I’m especially glad to be traveling with Kaylee and know that she will contribute a lot to all the kids! My goal this trip is to build a green house! This will ensure that Home of Hope will be able to eat different foods throughout the winter months, therefore increasing their health!

It feels a little like waiting for Christmas to come as Lööf Foundation has created a sponsorship program. I now have many letters and photos from our sponsors to bring to the Home of Hope children and cannot wait to see their expressions when they open their letters!!

Next time you hear from us we will be in Nepal!

Lööf Foundation representative Morgan Young & Lööf Foundation volunteer Kaylee Flood

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