Morgan’s Diary – September 22, 2016,

It was a sad morning as Monica was leaving Home of Hope to head back to Kathmandu. The children were quite upset as they’ve really grown close to her in such a short period of time. All the kids went and picked a flower for her, so by the time each one handed it to her she had a small bouquet!

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It was tough for me to see the kids cry as they have all had to face tough times in their lives but yet are all so strong. They are all so happy whenever I’m around them, so to see them be emotional made me emotional for them. After Monica said her goodbyes to each child, we started to walk to the bus stop where the Jeep would pick her up. All of the kids ran after us to walk her part of the way! She then said goodbye again and we watched the children walk away in tears, which broke my heart.


Monica was also very emotional as she has been so up close and personal with every child. 

Monica and I made record time this morning, it only took us an hour and a half to get to the bus stop!


She left in the Jeep to the Porong Monastery where I will meet her tomorrow when I head back to Kathmandu. Then Shyam and I left on a motor bike to do a home visit for two girls that want to come to Home of Hope. I interviewed the mother, looked at their living conditions and also went to their school to gather more information from their teachers.

Once we were done with the first visit we stopped for lunch and then walked to the next home visit for two boys that want to come to Home of Hope. I conducted the same process. Once finished at the school Shyam and I walked home.


I was greeted by all the children when we arrived as they were having a snack. I got the WiFi up and running here too today which I felt very happy about, as a previous sim card was not working! Then I spent time with the children before dinner as I wanted to make the most of my last day here.

After dinner I gave Shyam basic computer training so that I can communicate better with him once I’m back in Sweden! As it was my last night here all of the children wanted to dance so of course I said I would join them! It was so nice to just take the night to be care free and let loose! All of the kids love to dance and sing, I even showed them a few dance moves that they found hilarious! Shyam and Asha joined us too which was also hysterical!

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As much as I am sad to be leaving and know tomorrow morning will be tough, I know I will be back in no time. It’s just hard leaving them because they have the biggest hearts and are filled with so much joy it’s hard to leave such a positive atmosphere. All of the girls asked if I would sleep in their room with them tonight so now I must go and tip toe into bed as they are all fast asleep! Goodnight!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation volunteer

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