Morgan’s Diary – September 13, 2016,

This morning I woke up and was quite tired as I had gone to bed late and yesterday was quite tiring as we had done so much shopping. I was feeling a little disappointed as well knowing that I wouldn’t be going to Home of Hope today as the road wasn’t fixed yet. However, I received good news from Shyam today that the road has been fixed and we are able to take all of the items that we bought with us to Ratankot tomorrow! After breakfast Shyam arrived at the Monastery to go through everything we bought and the things I brought with me from Sweden such as warmer clothes, toys, books and much more. He was very impressed and pleased with the things that we purchased. We made a new list of last minute items we still needed to get now with Shyam’s input. We got ready and left to walk to the market. I find I am not as culture shocked as I was when I was here for the first time in April for the inauguration of Home of Hope.


However, I find it so interesting to walk through the streets and just observe everyday life. The Nepali people are so kind, generous and giving. Whenever you enter a store and need to buy something, many people come to help you with your bags, offer you a drink, or somewhere to sit and don’t expect anything in return.

I was pleased to see that the Stupa is still being fixed and quite a bit of progress has been made since I last saw it. Many of the homes are also in the progress of being fixed, not all, but some have started rebuilding.

stupa          rebuilding

We visited Prem Lama, a brother to Shyam and Karma at his shop. I also got to meet his little boy again who is four years old and his newest baby daughter who is now seven months old. I was glad I got to see them again so that I could give them some baby clothes! Then we went to Karma’s shop to pick up the laptop for Home of Hope.

prems-bb          monica-and-bb

Monica and I got the pleasure to meet Helene Grell and her husband Johan Friman at Karma’s shop today. They were here in Nepal for the laying of the foundation stone at Home of Hope. It was so great to meet them and I saw them just in time as they are leaving today.

We headed out of the market to go and buy a sim card as we need one for the wifi that we bought for Home of Hope. However, it took about three hours to get, so Monica and I ate our lunch outside of the shop as we waited. It was quite interesting to watch all of the traffic go by and we also saw three ambulances drive by with the sirens on.


After we finished at the electronic shop we headed back to the Monastery as it had been a long day. We bought two badminton sets along the way and a few last items of clothing for the children. When we got back we met two men, Vida and Karl from Sweden who were just checking into the guest house. We started talking and I told them about the Lööf Foundation and our work here in Nepal. They told me that they were here to deliver water filters to a girl’s orphanage. After chatting more, I found out that they know Eva Holmberg who runs the girl’s orphanage. During April I had met Eva and had a meeting with her. It was so ironic and perfect timing meeting these guys and showed me how small our world really is.

Monica and I made dinner and then received blankets, cups, towels and socks for Home of Hope from Shyam that we had bought earlier but could not carry. Now we have spent all of the money that Monica had raised. Both of us were amazed that it was possible to spend so much, but we did it! We also got great news from Shyam tonight that the road to Ratankot has been fixed and that we are leaving tomorrow with all of the items we have bought. Monica is looking forward to coming to Home and seeing the children and meeting Asha. She can’t wait to see the view and start the work in Home of Hope and the village that she came to do. She’s hoping to create new friends and relationships, but feeling a little worried about the drive to Ratankot and how the road is. I cannot wait to finally get going to Ratankot, as I miss the children so much and after hearing Shyam talk today about how much they have grown makes me want to see them even more. It makes it easier for me knowing that I will be traveling to Home of Hope four times a year to monitor, support, assess the development and well-being of the children as I have a science degree in Psychology and a minor in Sociology which is perfect for the work that I am doing with the children. I am able to make sure they are growing and developing at the right rate for their age, as well my Sociology minor allows me to be more equipped to be in Nepal that is culturally and socially different than Sweden. I’m looking forward to living in Home of Hope again, seeing Monica’s work and helping out around the home to see what their routine is. I am hoping that the car ride goes well tomorrow and that the road is fit to drive on.

Now I am off to finish packing, shower and get some well needed sleep before our long journey tomorrow. It feels like I am a kid on Christmas eve knowing I will see the children tomorrow. Today was a great day for me and even though we couldn’t leave for the village, Monica and I got many last minute things done. As well I got the chance to see many people today and meet new people. Next time you hear from me I will be in the village with the children! That is all from me today, thank you again to everyone who donated to Monica, you have made a difference in the Home of Hope children’s lives!

Morgan Young
Lööf Foundation representative


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