Monica and Morgan’s Diary – September 19, 2016,

This morning started out with some disappointments, such as not being able to go to the upper Ratankot school and do the health check because it was holiday for all the children. Then the clinic here in Ratankot was still closed as it has not been open since I’ve been here. So instead I went with the girls to do the laundry and I dropped my Nikon camera in the stream. But then things turned around when I came up to Home of Hope to try to rescue my camera and I suddenly discovered that the clinic was open.

There was a man from a hospital far away and he was giving vaccinations to babies. I was able to join and I could actually do some midwifery work as there were some pregnant women coming. I had an elderly woman who was getting a health check up so it felt good to help with that.

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The man told me the nurse might be coming back tomorrow evening as she has been away writing exams in Kathmandu. I spent the afternoon playing badminton with the children. Then I helped a little with the building of the shed for the laundry machine.

Some of the smaller children and I cleaned the path of garbage as there is a lot of plastic and wrappers. We also made visits throughout the village spreading the word that there will be a women’s meeting on Wednesday.

This morning I went with the older girls to wash some clothes at the big tap. The boys went further down the village to another tap to wash their clothes. It was so interesting to see the girls have a system for scrubbing, rinsing, drying without even talking. I joined and helped them wash and it was very hard work. It took us a couple hours to get everything washed.

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When we headed back up to Home of Hope, there was a man who had started to build a roof and walls that will go around the washing machine to protect from rain.

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I felt very happy for Home of Hope that they have a brand new washing machine and it will hopefully reduce their work load a little so the children have more time to study and Asha and Shyam have more time to spend with the children instead. It’s tough taking care of so many children, so I’m hoping this will make it easier for them. I helped with the building a little and then headed for lunch.

I continued my interviews with the children throughout the afternoon which went well. I stopped to watch the children play in the backyard and Bishek is really good at badminton! Then Monica and I started to make dinner for everyone as we wanted to give them a night off from cooking. We made spaghetti noodles, with a tomato sauce that had sausage, mushrooms, chili peppers and spices. We also wanted to introduce tuna to the children so we mixed tuna with mayo, chili peppers and spices. We also served cucumber on the side. We weren’t sure what type of reaction we would get from the children, but they all liked it so we were quite happy!


We also had some guests for dinner, Brecht de Mey, Amisha and Karma. I had heard so much from Johan about Brecht who is helping with the rebuilding of the community centre and a member of the water project, it was so nice to finally meet him in person! Now Monica and I are headed to bed as we have to get up early tomorrow to head to the market in Khadichour.

Monica and Morgan
Lööf Foundation volunteers


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