Monica and Morgan’s Diary – September 18, 2016,

This morning after the kids were off to school, Asha, Shyam and us took a look at how to install the new washing machine. We decided the best spot was behind Home of Hope near the taps outside, as it was close to connect to a water source. We all worked this morning taking away a few plants, digging up the dirt, laying down a rock foundation for the washing machine to sit on. Then we went uphill a little ways to collect pebbles and sand/dirt to make cement. Once the cement was mixed we spread it over the rock foundation. We will have to wait 24 hours for it to dry. Hopefully tomorrow we can make a roof and finish setting it up!

rocks          cement


Throughout some of the rooms in Home of Hope the lights did not work, so Shyam and I went around and fixed all of the lights! I felt very productive today.

After lunch I headed back to the tent school to take a look at some of the children I had seen on Friday. One boy got stitches taken out and it looked good after I cleaned it up. He has one stitch left so I will take that out on Tuesday so he doesn’t have to go all the way to the market. I sat in on two different classes for 20 minutes each and it was really interesting to see the teaching and students acted. It was a good experience to see a different type of schooling.

I sat down with Shyam to write out a chore schedule so that the children can be more organised, as well as a writen out schedule so the kids can have a visual aid. I plan on making multiple copies tomorrow with help from the kids as they have a day off from school, this way they can choose their own colors and participate! I will have Shyam translate in Nepalese and then put them up in both the boys and girls rooms.

I started the interview process with the children, as I wanted to get a better feeling of how the kids are doing in school, adjusting to Home of Hope, and how they are feeling. It was good to speak to them individually and they were all so thankful for being able to live at Home of Hope, it really showed me that this home is making a difference in these childrens lives and I am so happy I get to witness it first hand.

After dinner I came up with the idea that we should make popcorn as a treat from the kids and have a “movie night”. Everyone gathered around and I showed them the film I made from the inauguration of Home of Hope. They were all so amazed to see themselves on screen and would point to the people they knew like Sophie Lööf and Johan Magnusson.

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Now Monica and I are sitting on the front porch chatting about our day. We suddenly felt the bench and floor move in a swinging/shaking motion. I asked Monica if she felt it too and she said yes. It felt as if many people were jumping up and down right next to us. We thought it was the boys jumping in their room, but then I realized the floors are made of cement and we wouldn’t be able to feel that. Then I said to Monica that I thought it was an earthquake. Then three of the boys came running out to us saying “earthquake?” Then Monica and I said yes we think it was, many of them were scared so we calmed them down and put them back to bed. We’re hoping that is all we will feel and not a sign something bigger will come.

Morgan and Monica
Lööf Foundation volunteers

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