giving out rice

I wake up just before seven, as usual. I slept well, and went to sleep happy and satisfied! I feel very proud that with the assistance of the Dutch students and the Nepalese construction workers, we managed to get the rafters in place.

rafters up

I get up and do my morning chores for the last time in Nepal. The sun has been strong and considerably warm, already at 7:30. I have some things to do on the schedule before the car comes to pick me up at 13 o’clock.

At 8 o’clock we will distribute 900 kg of rice and 70 kg of seeds! A total of 185 families will receive seeds and rice.

seeds rice feb 19

The idea is to introduce new types of crops such as corn that will give them a better food source, rather than using their old seeds. I am hoping we’ll be able to bring some curiosity and experimentation to the villagers and increase their willingness to try growing new crops.

I head down to Shyam’s feeling excited and a little tense. Many villagers have already arrived and Shyam explains the idea we have. He has his book ready to write down who gets rice and seeds. As we hoped, many have excited thoughts about the new seeds. It is really fun to see their curiosity and I feel hopeful and happy for them! Shyam has a plan to have an experimental garden at Home of Hope to test additional crops so this is just the beginning it seems. I feel really hopeful.

I interview Bishek Lama (a Home of Hope child) he says that he longs to move in! I walk up to the Home of Hope building, my student friends want to work more today so I instruct them on what to do. I also watch the carpenter on the rafters finish the corners toward the center of the rafters, as I thought he should do this part by himself. He participated in the construction of the other rafters and with “my” students’ watchful eye, I feel confident that it will go pointing

I eat lunch and take down my tent and suddenly the car is here, on time too, which is not so common in Nepal. As I load everything into the car, all the builders are in a line with scarves and flowers for me. They want to say goodbye, it is very emotional and a little sad. It really feels like we have become a great team. During my time here, it has been a very happy and playful atmosphere while at the same time, very productive. Karma translates what the workers want to say to me, and they tell me how impressed they are by my work, which makes me really happy and also proud. I hope I managed to inspire some new thoughts.

I leave in the car; it’s very hot and dusty. Once out on the road there is not as much traffic, so it rolls smoothly. There are still problems with the fuel despite the blockade being lifted. Apparently the government wants all fuel on the black market to be sold before they start pumping regular fuel, this does not feel ok.

It will be really nice to get to Kathmandu, as I am feeling a little worn out. A hot shower and a bed will be great, even if the air is bad. On Sunday I head home to Sweden to my loved ones, it will be so nice and I really yearn for them!

In late April we will go back for the inauguration of the orphanage and then begin part two of this long-term project, running a family orphanage.

sign on hoh

It feels great that Sophie and I will travel together and hopefully we bring some more people with, who want to participate and share their dedication with us! This is the last diary of my trip, thank you to all that have read, contributed and supported me! Also a big thanks to Sophie who worked behind the scenes at home in Sweden to make this project possible!

When I arrive home I will see Sophie, as she is soon traveling to South Africa to explore the possibility of supporting an animal that is at risk of becoming endangered. She will also visit Folweni High school in Durban that the Lööf Foundation supports to fight against HIV/AIDS. So the next diary you read will be from Sophie in Africa!

Thank you, and see you later!

/ Johan

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