jan 28

Johan’s Diary- 28th of January 2016

7:15 I wake up by myself, and life starts to become more active outside. I lay and doze off for a few minutes. It feels cold today so it is not super nice to jump out of my warm sleeping bag. I get up, and light a fire, then fetch water to cook breakfast with. Today it is oatmeal porridge with apple and cinnamon, plus coffee and a little juice I bought from the “store” yesterday. It is overcast and chilly today. I check on the washing, which is still not completely dry.

09:30 As always the builders start to drop in and work starts up, today we will finish with cement so we can cast tomorrow. I go to recharge my computer and phone at Shyams and Ashas place; I hope there is electricity. I have not seen the sun for many days now so my solar panels have not been working. The only thing they’ve been useful for is for giving me some light in my tent. Shyam is off to fetch sand and cement, so I talk a little with Asha (Shyams wife) and their little dog.

10:30 Back at the building Home of Hope, and not as many people are here working today, but it looks like we’ll finish on time. I am feeling hopeful and keep my fingers crossed. I make small appearances and assists as much as possible. Shyam is not back yet.

12:30 It is rice beer for the construction crew and powdered drink mix with coffee for me. I take a tangerine too, have had some from Shyams mom they’re really good.

14:00 Trying to send pictures to Sophie but it causes issues, it is not so easy to get everything to work especially once you’ve successfully downloaded things and then they don’t work online.

15:00 Shyam still not back and I am worrying that there are some problems with the truck. I take some photos and videos around the building site. Work continues on the Home of Hope and the walls will be ready for casting in the morning!

16:00 We start reinforcing the walls as preparation for tomorrows work.

17:00 I start a fire since it is cold and it’s starting to get dark. I fetch firewood and water and begin to heat the water for dinner.

18:00 The darkness begins to settle, it’s still overcast and cold. It’s supposed to be really dark this evening. For dinner it is pasta with spaghetti sauce and today I have a treat for dessert. I’ve now been in Ratankot for a week, so only four weeks remaining. I write my diary.

19:30 I creep into the tent, it is now completely black outside and cold. I send some text messages to Sophie and solve crossword puzzles.

20:45 Now Shyam is back, but without the truck, as it has broken down as I feared and they’re trying to fix it. Fortunately, we have enough sand and cement to still cast tomorrow.

21:00 I put out the fire and get into my sleeping bag, I am very satisfied with the progress we have made with the building of Home of Hope so far!

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