October 2nd, Lööf Foundation arranged a gala dinner at the Jubilee Theater in Mariestad, close 
to Gullspång where Partex is situated. The purpose of the dinner was to raise more money for the rebuilding of ‘Home of Hope’.

Close to 300 guests walked the red carpet. It was truly a night to remember in Mariestad, Sweden.

So many people contributed to the Lööf Foundation charity gala. As many as 25 locally and nationally recognized artists donated artwork to be sold during the evening and local entrepreneurs sponsored parts of the event. Students from Torsö skärgårdsskola and Lillängsskolan, Mariestad, had made loads of colourful bead bracelets that was also for sale all evening. The children were so eager to work on the bracelets, as they felt empathy for the children in a country that feels so far away, and wanted to help anyway they could! A photo exhibition from the village Ratankot was staged at the venue and of course the guests could buy copies of the book ‘Dreams of an Orphanage’.

Many artists performed throughout the event, amongst others, cover band Remind and jazz artist Gunhild Carling. Star for Life was also represented through Triple & Touch and Star Choir. Ken och Göran of Triple & Touch are Star for Life ambassadors and work together with Lööf Foundation in Durban.

All in all, everyone managed to raise an astonishing EUR 16 600, which will certainly cover, together with the previously collected money, the expenses for rebuilding Home of Hope. The inauguration will hopefully be held in April, 2016. Any eventual surplus will pay for fruit trees outside the family home as well as a henhouse, which shall be named ‘House of Hen’. This way the children will have a proper diet by eating eggs, poultry and get vitamin C from their own fruit and learn how to create their own small enterprise.

Sophie Lööf 9th October, 2015


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