7:45 I wake up to the clock, and slept well last night, however I awoke a few times in the morning because of the flights, but then went back to sleep. Today I am having a little lighter breakfast again, a bar, coffee, mango juice and crisp bread. Starting to work with various administrative duties. The monks are already underway with volleyball, they have time off this week and have some time to fit in some fun.

9:00 I boil myself a cup of coffee on an outdoor stove and continue to work, it’s amazing that you can sit at a hostel in Kathmandu and work on things at home in Sweden. Together with Operation Nepal, we sponsored the new router and the TP-link works really well even when I am sitting in the room. Sure, the Internet is rather sluggish in between, but it is functioning Internet!

12:30 Shyam comes and we go through all the numbers for the building of the Home of Hope, he has an impressive record of everything, I also get the budget from the engineer, it looks ok but it’s just so we get together the economy. We are keeping our fingers crossed as we get together more money from the charity gala, than we hope to find a sponsor who wants to contribute. Whoever lives will see, but we will do what we can to succeed in building the orphanage again. Is there any of you readers who feel you would like to contribute to the reconstruction, if so you can to the Lööf Foundation Swishnummer: 1236931562 and mark off contribution to the Home of Hope.

14:00 I get pushed by Shyam down to the store on his motorbike, I’ll buy lots of Nepalese biscuits and sweets for the book fair that we will offer. I buy four full bags and have lunch at the Hyatt on the way home to the hostel. It tastes really good.

16:00 I get back to the hostel, and start to pack up my things to go home, working on the online store and I think I got it to work, as I said, it’s amazing with the Internet.

18:00 Just taking a shower, it was really cold today, the next time I shower here I will have to take a look at what is wrong, the sun is shining and the water tanks on the roof are warm but still it is cold in the shower, very strange. I fix the last portion of dried food and a make a cup of coffee.

19:00 Waiting for Karma and transport to the airport.

19:15 Karma is here, we load up and head for the airport. There is a lot of traffic and it’s pitch dark, there are no streetlights here. It is full throttle here at the airport; there are oncoming military police with blue lights.

20:00 I say goodbye to Karma, today, I get a really nice blue shawl when he says goodbye. They are very puzzled at the security check as to why I’m carrying home biscuits and sweets, and take apart my luggage to check.

20:30 Boarding has already started.

21:15 We take off 15 minutes before the appointed time, which is not so common. I work on the flight, and write in my diary and other documents. I write emails that will send as soon as I get Internet access in Doha, as I said, it’s amazing with the Internet.

23:10 Four and a half hours later I have landed, it was a pleasant flight and not a long wait here in Doha this time, flying towards Sweden today.

01:30 Now I am at one of the world’s most luxurious airport and think of the enormous contrast between the children who really need our orphanage because they currently live on a dirt floor in a hut, but I feel a certain distaste for extravagance of luxury. Makes me think about the abundance that these children have.
That’s everything from me, good night Sweden and the World


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