6:15 I wake up to the clock, slept about as bad as anyone could last night, because there were even stronger rainfall periods and I have such a sore back. For breakfast, guess what;) rice porridge with strawberries and coffee, time to just start with the coffee when Shyam comes with some of the orphans, we are going up to the HOH to take some pictures and make a small film with them before school starts. It is a very beautiful morning with the sun and the mountain peaks sticking up just above the clouds.

7:30 I get back at the tent to eat breakfast, it was a good time with the kids at the HOH. It’s always fun to meet them for a little while, and they really yearn to know when the orphanage will be ready for occupancy, so now I hope that we can get to a place where we have enough money. 

8:00 I have success with my spine asvit snaps back to place and the evil releases, it feels so nice that I’m starting to pick up my things and talk a little more with some of the “football guys” who sit next to me when I pack, they are really happy for the balls. 

8:30 Now we went to Kathmandu but are delayed, it turns out that we get a total of 8 people to be with, including rice sacks, plants and a car so packed, you can’t see out the windows. However no chickens this time! But we have little teddy bears that we will leave at another school on the road where Shyam helps with an Israeli aid project to build affordable and secure sheds/huts. 

9:15 Now we jet off.

10:30 Out on the asphalt road and a short stop for a bit to drink and unloading of a rice sack. 

10:45 We roll on, nowadays it is warm, having the windows rolled down barely makes a difference and there is no AC in this 20 years old Land Cruiser. But traffic flows well for being in Nepal, would guess at an average speed of about 20 km/h. We let a person off along the way. 

12:30 We stop for some lunch at the same place as on the way out to Ratankot, I eat my hard bread, and a bar but Coke is a luxury. 
13:00 We drive on. After a few miles it starts to rain and we stop and pack everything from the roof of the car, so now the car is fully stocked again.

14:30 We stop and leave the Bruins to Shyam, we cannot stop and distribute them when it’s raining properly, Shyam will fix it later with the greeting from us. 

15:00 There is chaos in the traffic when we start to get into Kathmandu, we stop and release of two more people. The traffic is completely stopped and the air is so dirty! 

16:00 Back at the hostel at the monastery, which is reflected in the traffic and the air that everyone moved back to Kathmandu again. The 90 km we traveled today took about 7 hours including intermission so my guess at 20 km/h was not quite right, rather 15 km/h! Time for dinner, we are really hungry. I write in my diary and post on FB. I have contact with Sophie at home in Sweden who is still working on our charity event and book release, which is approaching fast. Preparing the meeting with the building engineer in the morning. 

22:00 Taking a cold shower, there must be something wrong with the solar panels.
I go to bed really tired

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