8:00 I woke up earlier this morning to the sound of, light and heat. For breakfast today I am having some form of semolina porridge with fruit pieces, quite ok.

8:45 Going off to the Karma’s shop, we’ll go shopping for things for the village Ratankot that I will then take with me tomorrow when we go there.

10:00 We have distributed the purchases at Karma’s, and I buy some things and Shyam Kumar Lama we purchase other things, plus we have the help of a friend of Karma’s who will travel to a third place.

12:00 Karma has found a good deal on footballs and negotiated for a good price. We all get together and pump all the balls (22 footballs and volleyballs) the driver me, and Karma. I then eat in a cubbyhole, I almost cannot stomach my food when I see poor dog on the floor that has such an ugly broken front leg, I could not be there and watch it suffer so I went out on the street and studied the life there.

13:00 We go to pay for the balls when they suddenly raise the price, I guess they realize that it is I who should pay. So we simply leave the store without balls and go to another store.

14:00 Karma will find a good deal in the old part of Kathmandu, we do business, we buy:
– 12 footballs
– 10 volleyballs
– 4 volleyballs
– 10 chess games
– 10 board games
– 30 Frisbees
– 2 piece board game

It was 20% cheaper than at the other place! We also buy 250 bags to pack/distribute everything we buy in.

16:30 Back at the hostel, I am really hungry but happy with our purchase, I eat pasta out of the pot, it tastes delicious. While I was waiting for Shyam to come with all the other things I wash my clothes and pack for tomorrow, fixes, even with little administration.

17:00 Trying out the new router, it works super, but the installation will happen when they come and do it, right lousy if I’ll be honest. Starting with the diary.

20:30 Shyam arrives, he has bought:
– 200 teddies
– 216 toothbrushes
– 200 tubes of toothpaste
– 600 Soap
– 5 whiteboard for the school
– 6 large boxes of medicine, bandages, wound cleaners, plasters etc.

The rest we will buy on the way out to Ratankot tomorrow. That is all from me today, has been an exciting day and I yearn to deliver everything we bought!
Thanks to all who helped that I could buy all this today,


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